Figure out what you really want your life to be about so you can set meaningful goals and action plans rather than getting bogged down by unimportant to-do lists and day-to-day busy-ness. Writing your dream life story as if it were true right now is such a powerful way to tackle this! Let me know what the biggest takeaway from this vid was for you and how you plan to implement these techniques into your life!
Discover how freakin' amazing you can feel by consistently eating healthy and working out regularly! Stay open-minded and really commit to a month of health and let me know what you discover!
The choices we make define us and whether or not we achieve our goals! If getting more fit is a goal, always choose working out and prepping clean eats above other things like staring at Insta, watching TV, getting a mani/pedi, etc. It's important to decide what's most important to you in life and then choose to work on that over everything else consistently to make the changes you desire! What are you usually choosing???
It always amazes me how life can evolve due to change! Change is awesome, and possible! Stay open-minded and expand your horizons! Embrace change in everything... exercise, eating, relationships, likes/dislikes, careers, and more!
How are you doing through this time? It's important not to be pushed into doing things just because it seems everyone's doing them. Figure out what exactly is going to work for you, find the sweet spot of doing enough, but not being overwhelmed with too much online learning, online social time, and pressure to do lots during this at-home-time! Let me know how it's going for you!
How are you getting through this? Here are a few of my tips to make the most of your Covid-19 lockdown!
I'm finding the more I talk with people about goals, the more I magically figure out for myself how to get going on them all!!! Do you discuss your goals? With who? How does it help? Let me know!
What is really keeping you from your dream bod? How can you figure it out? It's not what you think (time, meals, knowledge, being J. Lo, etc.)
It's Valentine's week!!! This year instead of my usual talk about loving Valentine's Day, loving yourself, and loving the people around you, I'm discussing how to put more of what you love into your life on a daily basis! What do you LOVE???
You've all heard the quote "Hustle in silence, let your success make the noise". I believe the opposite - I think it's super-beneficial for us all to share our journey, our process, our struggles, and our successes along the way to a big goal! We can all give strength to others in a similar journey and ourselves by loving and sharing the process or journey!